Ladies Kickboxing
Our ladies-only, cardio-based kickboxing class is a pad-based session that will improve your fitness and stamina. The classes are suitable for women of all ages & abilities and will benefit you in:
• Weight loss
• Muscle toning
• Confidence
• Making new friends
• Goal setting
• Sense of achievement
Your first set of classes will start by introducing you to fellow students and finding you a training partner. We'll then work on teaching you the warm-ups, some of the basic kicking and punching drills and the cooldown. Our program will start you slowly with warm-ups and drills that you will be able to handle and quickly master. Our aim is to build your confidence to allow you to push yourself harder and rapidly improve your fitness and skill level.
The classes are a great way for you to lose weight if you want to and will offer you a natural and sustainable method of maintaining your fitness level going forward. The kickboxing routines will allow you to become more flexible and supple, plus they will naturally tone your body.
Contact us today if our Ladies Kickboxing class sounds right for you!